

Across the Columbia Plain: Railroad Expansion in the Interior Northwest –  Lewty  $20
Discover Historic Washington State – Roberts  $10
Ghost Towns of the Northwest – Weis  $18
Grand Coulee: Harnessing a Dream – Pitzer  $25
Hardship to Homeland: Pacific Northwest Volga Germans – Scheuerman  $25
Harrington Centennial Souvenir 1902 – 2002  $8
Harrington History:  Vol. 2 Thumb-Nail Biographies – Womach  $15
Harvest Heritage: Agricultural Origins and Heirloom Crops – Scheuerman/McGregor  $33
Has Been Cookbook – Michaelson  $20
Lamona History: Vol. 1 Lamona in the News 1879-1932 – Womach  $15
Lincoln County, A Living Legacy $25
Manhunt: The Pursuit of Harry Tracy – Gulick  $20
Mohler, Lincoln County Washington – Womach $15
Native River:  The Columbia Remembered – Layman  $30
Postmarked Washington:  Lincoln and Adams Counties – Ramsey  $5
Saint Francis of Assisi:  Harrington, Washington – Womach  $15
Spokane and the Inland Northwest:  Historical Images – Bamonte  $45
Spokane’s Davenport Hotel $35
Sprague, Lamont, Edwall, Washington 1881 – 1981  $20
Steamboats on Northwest Rivers  – Gulick  $20
The Big Bend – The Mecca of the Homeseeker 1902  $10
Traveler’s History of Washington – Gulick  $20
Vintage Harvest Photobook  $20
Vintage Harvest Magazine  $15
Welcome to Washington: 2nd Edition – Buckley/Bruner  $10
Zion District Gleanings – Womach  $15
Zion District News: 1884 – 2018 – Womach  $15


Wide selection of stuffed animals that are found in Lincoln County


“Dreamin’ Wild” CD $17 (“Dreamin’ Wild” is a recent movie about a local family)
“Dreamin’ Wild” DVD $30
“Dreamin’ Wild” Magnet $10
“Dreamin’ Wild” Record $30
Lincoln County Museum Mug $20
Postcards $1
Spokane’s Legendary Davenport Hotel – VHS Tape $30
Square Nail $1
Vintage Harvest Button $1
Vintage Harvest Button Wall Hanging $5
Vintage Harvest Mug $20
Vintage Harvest T-Shirts 2023 (grey) $20


Contact the Lincoln County Museum for more information about items for sale.
We take debit/credit cards and will gladly ship items to you.
Lincoln County Museum